Hey, I know that you have done a lot for your business to reach where you are right now. All that hard work and perseverance have made your business to another level.
Now, you may be in a position where the budding entrepreneurs reach out to you for those amazing tips and tricks which you have learned through your journey. I know you must have heard a lot of questions regarding the material sources, packaging resources, and a lot more. These questions can flip you back to those days when you were a newbie as well.
The days you spent figuring out everything on running your business, the research you had done, the efforts you made without anybody’s help. You might be sceptical about sharing all of the information that you have earned on your own.
So, In today’s episode, I am here to throw some light on different ways that you can use your authority and expertise to make money. At the same time, you get to help others as well. You will get a clear picture of how to make money by sharing knowledge.
Before getting into it, let me congratulate you first. If people are already asking you questions, that means you have positioned yourself as an expert in what you do.
Take away’s
In this episode, you will learn,
- Different ways in which you can sell your expertise.
- How to use affiliate links to charge for your expertise in the field.
- Methods to make money by 1:1 consultation with newbies in your niche.
- How to convert your knowledge into a paid online course for a passive income?
- Why you should charge for sharing your knowledge and resources
I hope by the end of the podcast you will be able to understand how to make money by sharing knowledge. Also, I hope you will start sharing your expertise and knowledge thereby making some passive income also for yourself.
Listen to the podcast