Are you struggling to price your products and services?

Hey, If you are a business owner, you might have come across situations that demand to price your products and services. For any of your products and services, pricing is a major factor to look up to.

This might be a hassle when you do it in the first place. You tend to do market research to arrive at prices right? There will be a lot of products in the market which will be similar to yours. There will be many variations in the prices as well which can get confusing, isn’t it? For most creative products, market research won’t be ideal to fix the prices.  Remember, your prices should not depend on others. The prices a person keeps for their business may not be the right one for you and your business.

The price for a particular product in the market majorly depends on a lot of factors. Brand value, expertise, resources, and many things add to the price of a product.

When I started out as a creative entrepreneur, I have also come across such situations. To run a profitable business, the pricing of products or services in a business is highly important. There will be so many factors to run your business. Your efforts, skillset, expertise, dedication, hard work, resources, tools, and a lot more. All these efforts will be paid off well only if the pricing is precise.


In today’s episode, I’ll be explaining how to price your products and services in a proper way. I’ll take you through various methods that help you achieve this.


What are the takeaway’s

In today’s episode you will learn:


I hope, by the end of this podcast, you will be able to price your products and services in a better way. Having the right pricing strategy is vital for your business. Also, I hope you will turn your business into a profitable one by adopting these techniques.


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price your products and services