Hey lovely entrepreneurs,

Do you regularly use hashtags for your Instagram content? Yes, right?

As entrepreneurs having a strong presence on the Instagram platform, you all add hashtags to your content. We know that hashtag gives us some bonus reach for our posts. The social media algorithm is something that keeps changing always. Every time, there will be an update in all of the features that are available on it.

The hashtag strategy and algorithm have been changing since the beginning. You might be wondering about the latest hashtag updates on Instagram. Only if you are aware of the updates happening, you will be able to keep up with the trends.

If added wisely, hashtags can help you grow your account as well. But, the latest hashtag updates on Instagram suggest a few things which you can consider. Even though hashtags are not the only thing that we need to focus on, having good awareness about them can help you grow your business better.

There are some good strategies that we can apply to find ideal hashtags for our business. You might also get confused about the number of hashtags you need to put. Apart from that, the hashtags which you use have to be taken specifically depending on categories, location, trends, and traffic of the posts.

In today’s episode, I will be discussing all of these. I will be taking you through some insights on different types of hashtags. I will also share some tips about how to use hashtags effectively. 

Take away’s

How hashtags performed a year ago?

Why should you not give so much importance to hashtags?

A few tips to keep in mind when you add hashtags.

How does the hashtag algorithm work?

How to find ideal hashtags for your business?


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Once you listen to the podcast, you will have a very good idea about the hashtag strategy that you need to follow. You can keep in mind all of these latest hashtag updates on Instagram. Now it’s time to change the gear of your hashtag strategy. Are you ready? Work on your hashtags and never miss a chance to grow your business organically.


Latest hashtag updates on Instagram, hashtags hacks, grow with hashtags, increase visibility with hashtags, hashtags