Time Management Tips for creative moms

Being a mom of 2 has been highly exhausting not only physically but also mentally! I know how the cries of a baby, tantrums of a toddler, fights between siblings and the hunger pangs of kids are!! Not to mention this weariness can highly impact the creativity as well. I get stuck in creative ruts due to mommy burnouts. How much ever sleep I get tiredness is a constant. 

Many of you relate with this? Let’ see how to overcome the exhaustion and make most of your time worthwhile. Sometimes little things make the biggest of impacts in our life. Make small changes in your current mindset to do much better than now. Believe that your best is yet to come and work towards it

Step out of your comfort zone

Many of us women tend to just silence the call of opportunities in the fear of losing our comfort zone. If you have a goal to achieve then comfort is your biggest drawback. Begin by taking baby steps towards your goal. Never rush into anything only to back out soon. Go slow and be determined to reach your goals however long it takes.

Listen to your body

Never ignore the physical or mental exhaustion you feel. It is utmost important to listen to what your body needs. If you are tired, then please take rest. If you feel stressed, then take a moment to relax yourself before you continue with the same task. Always remember that our body will help us achieve more results when taken good care of!

Amidst all the chaos and a busy day, take time to do something to revive yourself:

• Take short naps
• Listen to some good music
• Indulge in your favourite hobby
• Go for a walk
• Play with a pet
• Read a good book
• Talk to your friends

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Be organized

I cannot stress enough about the magic of being organized. An organized place is going to make you feel so much motivated. Declutter the unwanted stuff, make space for everything you own, make to-do lists and basically have a routine to follow. It’s quite simple and the only way to maximize your productivity. This not only saves your time and energy but also keeps you focused on what to do next. 

As an Artist, this is what I do to keep myself organized:

  • I maintain an inspiration journal to list out my ideas and upcoming project details. 
  • I make sure to keep my desk clean and avoid using it for other purposes. I have my sketchbooks, brushes and water-filled jars ready most of the time. This makes me feel less overwhelmed and start as soon as I find the time to create.
  • I keep all my art supplies well-arranged. I don’t usually shuffle things very often. Each item remains in its own place and are put back in there after use.

Manage your time

As a mother, most of us are always fishing for quality time. But I must say managing some of our time can help us make use of little time in good ways. This is how I manage my time:

  • Unnecessary scrolling of content can easily make us lose track of time. The intended 5 minutes of Instagram checking may last longer than you can imagine. This is why I try to keep away from social media and other distractions when I sit to work. This has also helped me improve my creativity!
  • Making to-do lists is definitely a life saver. But prioritizing the tasks has been a total game changer. It’s important to know which tasks require your attention foremost and what can wait till the last.
  • I tend to use the little pockets of time I get to do the planning and get to work only when I find a good chunk of time. 
  • I take a break when I don’t feel like working. And that’s ok! But always show up when I feel better.
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Take life one day at a time

Every day is new with unexpected circumstances thrown at us. Just pause when you have to reflect. When things get difficult, don’t make it worse by beating yourself up too much. It’s Ok, you are doing great!

Always remember to reward yourself for the small wins in life. This will keep you motivated to achieve more. Make a wish-list now and fullfil it one by one. Keep in mind that your happiness comes from within yourself. Learn to accept your minor flaws and be-you-nique!

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